My life after quarantine.

Hello my dears, today I'm going to talk about my life after quarantine.

In the beginning of quarantine, in my family was difficult spend through this. My father was diagnosticated with the virus because he had to continue working. However, he get over it without difficulty. Now, although that my parents should leave to work, we continue with precautions and without leaving home if not necessary.
On the other hand, I think this is a huge opportunity for make a change as society. We have to understand the importance of the hygiene, the fragility of our society and to question us the things that we eat.
I rediscovered how I love sleep and listen music. I rediscovered how much I love my parents and how much love spending time with them.
My studies have become a problem because I don’t have a rhythm of study. This is because we have spend the most of the semester in paralyzation, so I don't know what to study or what to do.

I rather be optimistic about this situation. I want that the time to pass quickly and we can to be able to hug each other again. I miss so much go where my aunt for tea, go to a park, go to my uncle's farm or can go with my mum to shopping to the fair. Although it doesn't affect me being at home, I miss the little and simple things of my life.


  1. With this pandemic we realized how important emotional interactions with other people are.

  2. you could try to study with music of your taste on backwards, or something that makes you happy. This way you could learn by association to study uwu

  3. I miss you! after all this we need to see each other :(


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