Changes to my study programme.

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about some changes that I would do in my study programme.
I think that the curriculum of study in this university is very good because we have a little bit of everything. At least in my generation, we can learned about different disciplines like sociology or anthropology and that is very rewarding for our education. However, I think that the authorities could include inside the curriculum more practical instances because with that we could know more in depth about all that imply the discipline and the subjects in itself. About the co-curricular activities, I don't like that the university forces us to take general training courses or sports courses because this subjects takes some of our time that we could use in other subject of the discipline.
The workload and length of studies I think is correct. We spend 5 years in the career and later we have the possibility of decide if we continue with some postgraduate study. I like that we have choices.
I would like that the university invest more money in our faculty because, although we have a beautiful faculty this is very poor in comparison with Beauchef, for example. I think that the university does not worry too much about us.
I like the teaching methods in the career. I feel that the professors are very flexible with us, in all the aspect. In the same way, I think that the "online modality" is a very good option for some subjects but with a good preparation. And that's all, I hope you can enjoy. Bye all!


  1. I also think that a practical training in the discipline from the beginning will help us to become more prepared professionals.


  2. I agree with you, it's necessary to have more practical instances to improve our knowledge and be more prepared for our future work!

  3. I think the same about to have more practical instances

  4. I agree with you, the teachers are very flexible with us :)


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