The job of my life.

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the job of my dreams. 
In the future, I imagine myself working in human resources of a big company. I would like to work in this because I like the idea of work in empowering leadership of the bosses and this way to get better all the labor relations between the employees. Besides, I would like to support the employees to grow inside the company. Moreover, I think this is very difficult because today, any person work just for the money. In our society, the work don't try to achieve the personal fulfillment of the man or woman, the authorities want to the people work for win more money. 
For this job, the skills that I need are responsibility, organization, can speak in front of people and empathy for the workers to can do the best for them. 
The job satisfaction doing this will be: make a better work environment, support the workers for their personal and professional growth, try to achieve the satisfaction of the employees with themselves while do their jobs, make the people can be happy working every day seeing the value that they represent in their working section and for their bosses. Because, being part of something special makes you special. 


  1. a good work environment is very important because work affects many aspects of life! sadly people don't give it the importance that it should

  2. I love the last phrase, demonstrate the importance of that job

  3. I think working in something you don't like is horrible but If you have someone supports you mentally and profesonally it's better. I hope you make a good job


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